Workpackage leader: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., CMI
Other participants: all partners
The aim of this work package is to maximise the impact of this project within the European community of national metrology institutes and industrial end-users. In order to reach all relevant stakeholders and to generate impact, diverse measures to ensure knowledge transfer, training/dissemination and exploitation will be taken.
Based on the knowledge acquired during the first periods of the project, the more experienced NMIs will give training to support the less experienced NMIs knowledge and development of research capacity. Thereafter participating NMIs will prepare their own strategic plans to improve/develop RF quantities (S-parameters, power) and EMC measurements. The individual strategies will be performed in coordination with the less and more experienced NMIs to develop European research and measurement infrastructure. There should be plans to develop a strategy for offering calibration services from the established facilities to their own country and neighbouring countries.