The Questionnaire was organised to identify needs for the training and workshop on microwave power, S-parameters and EMC measurements under the EMPIR 15RPT01 RFMicrowave project (see the link). Now, it is the time to organise the training and workshop. Topics for the event have been decided according to the answers of the questionnaire.
We kindly invite you to attend the training and workshop for national metrology institutes which will be hosted by TÜBİTAK UME ( on 4-6 March 2019. There is no cost for the attendance and registration. You will be responsible for the travelling and accommodation. If you would like to attend the event please send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We need the confirmation by 28th December 2018 1st February 2019 (registration date extended).
The planned topics for the event are given below:
- General requirements for RF and microwave laboratory
- RF and microwave power measurement
- RF and microwave S-parameter measurement
- RF and microwave calibration factor measurement
- Evaluation of measurement uncertainty
- Example of measurement uncertainty
- ISO 17025 accreditation requirements
- Rigorous analysis of microwave source complex reflection coefficient
- Traceability chain for RFMW measurements
- RFMW workshops on power and S-parameter
- General information about International EMC test standards
- General requirements for commercial EMC test laboratory
- General information about commercial EMC tests
- Conducted immunity test by using CDN on actual EUT (Calibration, verification and test)
- Conducted emission test by using LISN on actual EUT (Verification and test)
>>> Download <<< the presentations from the workshop.
Photos from the meeting: